
7 Best Fitness Classes Under One Hour In Hong Kong

Tatler Hong Kong
更新於 2022年06月10日10:21 • 發布於 2022年06月14日00:20 • Tatler Hong Kong

Let’s face it: a workout routine at 6am in the morning or after a long day at work is not for everyone. But that doesn’t mean you “don’t have the time to work out”. For many of us, lunch time is the only time of the day that we have to squeeze in a sweat session. Even if you are crunched for time, you can still get the most of a shorter workout by increasing the intensity—which results in a calorie burn that lasts after you finish the exercise.

With gyms finally reopening in Hong Kong after being closed since December, these fitness classes promise to push you to your limits during your lunch break.

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Coastal Fitness

Class: Coastal30Duration: 30 minutes

This high-energy 30-minute workout is a circuit-style training that incorporates bodyweight exercises and moderate loaded movements. Don’t be intimidated by the CrossFit set-up—this class is structured with a focus on conditioning and is suitable for all fitness levels. You're in good hands with coach Tammi and Babs, who run the programme and modify the exercises for individual needs.


Ursus Fitness

Class: Turbo Ursus Fit, Bear Camp, Boxing, Muay ThaiDuration: 45 minutes

With a dynamic range of classes available during the lunch hour, Ursus’ Turbo classes are perfect for those of us who get bored at the gym easily. With a focus on strength and cardio, Ursus Fit and Bear Camp are designed to get the heart pumping, while the boxing and Muay Thai sessions involve pad and bag work drills combined with functional fitness to get you in fighting shape.



Class: MegaKoreDuration: 45 minutes

If the studio’s name is anything to go by, their signature H-Kore class is the best example of a hardcore workout. It takes time to get comfortable on a Megaformer machine, but once you become familiar with the exercises and longer holds, this full body workout will strengthen and tone your body unlike any other.


Photo: Courtesy of TOPFIT

Photo: Courtesy of TOPFIT

Class: Strength and Endurance, Circuit TrainingDuration: 50 minutes

TOPFIT’s circuit training workouts combine elements of cardio and strength training performed in cycles. You’ll be rotating from station to station to complete different sets of exercise, with minimal rest in between. The classes are varied to keep your body guessing and your muscles stimulated while you blast calories. Afterwards, grab a smoothie or a healthy protein bowl at TopFix, the studio's very own health-conscious cafe.

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House of Fitness

Photo: Courtesy of House of Fitness

Photo: Courtesy of House of Fitness

Class: Functional Fitness, Lower Body Strength, Upper Body StrengthDuration: 55 minutes

Expect dimmed lights and pumping music when you step into this boutique gym in Sheung Wan—and be ready to get lit. House of Fitness offers a range of results-driven classes, from a full body workout to split trainings that focus on upper or lower body, to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Optimum Performance Studio

Class: PAVIGYM Cardio Boost, Powerplate Burn/ Strong, TRX and Powerplate, TRX CircuitDuration: 50 minutes

The studio’s philosophy emphasises the importance of fusing fitness with play to make exercise functional and fun. Bored with the same workout routine? Spice it up with their PAVIGYM Cardio Boost, which utilises the functional zone, LED lighting, upbeat music, pressure sensitive wall and floor panels to create an interactive class that will make you forget you're working out.

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Defin8 Fitness

Photo: Courtesy of Defin8 Fitness

Photo: Courtesy of Defin8 Fitness

Class: Abs Blaze, Body Pump, Reform8 Duration: 50 minutes

Get the most of a lunchtime workout at Defin8 Fitness, where you’ll be introduced to a diverse variety of classes to keep your fitness routine fun and interesting.

This includes Reform8, a Pilates reformer class that combines dynamic movements aiming to strengthen and lengthen the muscles; Abs Blaze, a core-focused training with exercises that challenge deep abdominal muscles; and Body Pump, a full body workout using a barbell and light to moderate weights for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit fast.

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  • Philip P. H. Wong
    Stop spreading virus