
New dishes and cocktails available at Chinesology

Tatler Hong Kong
更新於 05月23日05:59 • 發布於 05月23日05:59 • Tatler Dining

Chinesology celebrates its second birthday with a curated collection of new Chinese culinary creations. Chef Saito Chau invites diners to embark on an extraordinary journey that pays tribute to Chinese cuisine and the creativity of Chinese chefs.

The standout dish is the goose in supreme soya (HK$1,488 for a whole bird, four-day advance order, serves 8 to 12). This gastronomic delight undergoes meticulous preparation over four days, marinated with sea salt and Sichuan peppercorns, air-dried, and slow-cooked in a Cantonese-style marinade. The result is a tender and flavoursome triumph.

Another exquisite dish is the goose wing with crab meat, conpoy, preserved sausage and salty egg yolk (HK$298, four-day advance order). The deboned goose wing is filled with prized ingredients and braised for four to five hours, creating a delightful combination of textures and flavours.


Other highlights include the delicately steamed king crab claw with egg white custard and young coconut (HK$388 per person for two or more diners); and the fish maw soup with chuanbei, almond, scallop marshmallow and melon (HK$298 per person), a nourishing soup with a blend of flavours and nutritious benefits.

In addition to the culinary offerings, Chinesology introduces four new Chinese medicinal herb-inspired cocktails. These include Licorice (HK$108), Monk Fruit (HK$108), Ginseng (HK$118), and Dried Tangerine Peel (HK$125), each offering a unique blend of flavours and ingredients.
