
5 Ways To Turn Your Home Into A Wellness Sanctuary

Tatler Hong Kong
發布於 2020年04月09日09:38 • Coco Marett

With spas and wellness centres temporarily closed, follow these tips to create a sanctuary within your home to promote calm and clarity during these uncertain times

Upgrade your shower

There are some seriously luxurious gadgets out there that will elevate your shower from a daily chore to a spa-like experience. From Kohler’s Real Rain shower head designed to mimic the soothing feeling of rainfall, to Cirrus' aromatherapy-infused shower head, waterproof speakers and more. 


See also: 7 Luxurious Ways To Optimise Your Bath and Shower

Design a dedicated wellness space

Whether it's a cosy reading nook or a meditation corner, creating a dedicated sanctuary within your home can be a godsend during this period of social distancing. Knowing you have a space of your own that you can escape to can help alleviate feeling antsy and claustrophobic.


Invest in a good yoga mat and comfy cushions, surround yourself with bright plants and flowers, scented candles and whatever else makes you feel good. 

See also: Fancy Plants: 5 High End Plant Stores In Hong Kong

Curate a soothing bedtime routine


It's no secret that a good night's rest plays an important role in our emotional and physical wellbeing. Make sure you're getting the quality rest you need - and deserve - with a calming bedtime routine you can look forward to each evening. Joyce Beauty has just launched their Sleeping Ritual package, a curated selection of luxury wellness and beauty products to promote sleep including Pure Calm Wellness Oil by Uma, SOS Pearl Drops by Ilapothecary and the Sleep Easy Nasya Oil by Subtle Energies - a personal favourite of mine - among other goodies. 

Install an infrared sauna

Finding ways to work up a proper sweat is challenging when gyms and spas are closed, but there is a solution - infrared saunas. You'd be amazed how easy it is to install one of these at home to have access to its rejuvenating benefits whenever you please - this includes the release of toxins, burning calories, reducing fatigue and boosting blood circulation to name a few.

Unlike traditional saunas that draw moisture from the body and heat your internal temperature to potentially dangerous degrees, infrared light panels engage the lower skin layers to keep the body between 30 and 37 degrees Celsius, decreasing the risk of dehydration or overheating. Check out B-Intense, which supplies high quality German-built infrared saunas in Hong Kong. 

Clear the air

Clean air is a critical component to our health and wellbeing, and you can breathe a little easier at home with the help of air purifiers and oxygen-giving plants. Aside from eliminating allergens, pollutants and unpleasant orders, clearing the air at home can also help to improve your mood and mental clarity. 

See also: 5 Easy Breathing Techniques For Instant Calm
