
What to do with Hong Kong’s lost generation

發布於 2019年11月22日13:11

A good friend was waiting at a bus stop in Wanchai, Hong Kong the other day while crowds of people milled past on their way to lunch. Listening to the chatter around him, he made an interesting observation.

All the older people were talking about the crazy rioters and how they had wreaked terrible and unnecessary destruction on public property in Hong Kong. In the cold light of day, the senseless devastation is reminiscent of a war zone.


The younger commuters were chatting about the many videoed instances of dazed demonstrators lying on the ground being kicked in the head by a reinforced police boot and the government's lack of support for Hong Kong people.

Black smoke billows out of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as the police and protesters engage in a stand-off.

It has been a battle between a rampaging army equipped with rocks and catapults against Asia's finest police force. When the police bleated that they were on the "brink of total breakdown," the rioters had won the battle.


But they won't win the war against modern weapons of crowd control. This will not result in a victory for either side. It will merely be the end of the beginning. The government still has to solve the underlying problems " having burned the last six months.

The signs are not good following a bad week for the Hong Kong cabinet. Chief Executive Carrie Lam held two press conferences in two days " the second apparently taking place because her staff forgot to mention everything she needed to say in the first. That her live appearance was received with little comment reflected the lack of confidence in what she had to say.

The leader of Hong Kong's government, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, has relied on the city's police force to stop protests.

Then, there's her key team. First, Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung made an eye-rollingly embarrassing admission that he didn't know why people are so angry. Justice Secretary Teresa Cheng, herself tainted by the illegal house extension scandal, was discovered in London promoting Hong Kong as a leading center for dispute resolution. As it happens, it is; but to mention the city and dispute resolution together at this time … you couldn't make it up.

The last member of Lam's inner sanctum, Financial Secretary Paul Chan has, as one of Lam's heir presumptives, wisely kept himself to economic issues. However, he occasionally twists the knife by blogging on the economic situation, most recently saying that the city this year will be in recession and it doesn't look great for next year.

Last quarter, the economy shrank 3.2% and DBS Bank says that 2019 will see a recession of 1.7% " the worst since the global financial crisis.

It should be remembered that GDP is a poor metric for a city with open borders and an economy spread globally. Historically, our economy recovers quickly " traditionally when the government hands money out to rich business owners. Nevertheless, the government's opponents leapt on the figure as caused by the government's lack of leadership.

Anti-government protesters have routinely smashed up Hong Kong's train facilities, partly to cause disruption to public transportation.

The statistic mentioned by Chan that is of real concern is unemployment, which is now 3.1% " a jump from the previous quarter's 2.9%. The loss of jobs was higher in construction, consumption and tourism and highest in retail and hotels, with unemployment peaking in food and drink at 6.1%.

Unemployment leads to enormous social issues, including an increase in poverty, crime, mental health problems and a brain drain " a vicious cycle that is tough to break. In Hong Kong, it is likely not only to affect the young but all levels of society, impeding our usual speed of economic recovery. Most strikingly of all, it breeds further political discord.

In six short months, tens of thousands of quiet Hong Kong citizens have been turned into militant anarchists, so desperate that they are willing to smash up their own home " some say even to die.

If the younger generation is this upset, how hard will it be for them to get back to working productively, how much direction are they going to take from the older generation, and how is this going to affect Hong Kong's sustainable economic growth? Developed market growth is just as dependent on a settled social environment as on the hard economic factors.

The monthslong anti-government unrest in Hong Kong has exposed a divide between the city's younger and older populations.

This lost young generation is the future of Hong Kong; today's workers in 20 years' time will be the movers, shakers and influencers of their own next generation. The best example is perhaps former Legislative Council president Jasper Tsang, 50 years ago a revolutionary hothead and today a revered Hong Kong grandee.

He is also another possible heir apparent to Lam. What is in the minds of today's young people won't be erased by threats, closure, oppression or restrictions on their future.

A protester practices throwing a petrol bomb at an empty swimming pool at the Polytechnic University on November 15, 2019.

The catastrophe may have originated from 20 years of arrogant lack of leadership from Government House but we, as the older generation, are also responsible for this age group. It is up to us to bury the hatchet and support and mentor young people (despite their recent bad behavior) into prosperous and productive careers " and not think that the problem will go away by beating and jailing them for 10 years.

Richard Harris is chief executive of Port Shelter Investment and is a veteran investment manager, banker, writer and broadcaster, and financial expert witness.

Copyright (c) 2019. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.


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留言 5
  • 😈尾國殺人放火金腰帶😇中國好人好事被插贓
    踢走暴力!踢走攬炒!踢走私了! 24號投票建制派,還一個和平、安寧、繁榮的香港!!!
  • nati
    Give them up. 放棄治療 Another option is sending them out to other countries as long as they can be accepted 第二辦法將麻煩小孩直接輸出,給那堆接受的國家
  • Sa Sa
  • 1
    你哋睇吓香港而家邊處地方正常安全有自由?自毁咗香港,人哋有錢有名可“走路”,你哋無錢嗰D仲助外邦催毁自己同家人朋友仍要生活嘅地方?!只短視為賺黑金?為發爛渣為發洩不滿?長遠對住嗰爛香港,無晒機會仲大家困住喺度受?條數唔識計?要繼續冥頑不靈自掘墳墓?! 曾投俾泛民,真係有養狼狗咬心口嘅感覺。而家絕對堅定不移,無論任何選舉一定唔會再投俾泛民同D禍港亂港分子,包括唔知係咪會幫曱甴嘅無黨派,因來歷不明新仔佢哋亦可掩飾撐暴徒身份,係你哋迫我同D朋友寧願安全穩陣去投民x聯,起碼人哋唔會聯結外幫煽動破壞自己地方,佢哋泛民為選票真係乜良心都可埋沒,縱容包庇暴徒。我只想要番一個遠離暴徒嘅香港,基本出入平安嘅人權都無,遑論其他人權啦! HK rioters & their supporters are all terrorists. Destroying Hong Kong by all illegal means with bombs & vandalism everywhere. This shit revolution bring Hong Kong back to zero. 光蛋香港,屎袋革命。
  • Alan