
如何令 Hermès 手袋變得更耐用? 分享 4 個不用花錢的保養方法!

Vogue Hong Kong
發布於 2021年03月30日11:47

無論你是踏入職場才買第一個Hermès 手袋,還是本身就是一名愛馬仕忠實粉絲,選擇經典款式還是新設計的同時,學會如何保養手袋同樣重要。市面上有很多手袋專員幫助大家「還原」破舊的手袋,但為何不從自己入手,用最簡易的方法令手袋更耐看耐用?

BERLIN, GERMANY - MARCH 08: Mandy Bork is seen wearing purple dress with floral print Zimmermann, red bag Hermes on March 08, 2021 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)

除了經典款式Kelly、Birkin之外,Hermès 近年積極推出不同的新品種,如一系列Mini Bags 和今年春夏誕生的Perspective Cavalière 和 Mors De Bride Allegro;事實上,無論是迷你手袋還是大手袋,又或者是有歷史意義的珍藏手袋以至全新手袋,都不能夠忽略它的保養,畢竟手袋內外的保養狀況會影響響外觀,以及二手市場的叫價能力。

方法1 : 小心使用護手霜

BERLIN, GERMANY - MARCH 16: Mandy Bork is seen wearing mint Zara dress, shoes Dior, red Hermes bag on March 16, 2021 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)  



DUSSELDORF, GERMANY - MARCH 22: Patricia Wirschke, Fashion Influencer, art historian and CEO of high10art, is seen wearing seductive leader pants in black, Hermes leather handbag cognac, on March 22, 2021 in Dusseldorf, Germany. (Photo by Mathis Wienand/Getty Images)

保養手袋的一大重點,必然同樣要好好保存防塵袋。踏入春季,天氣愈來愈潮濕,每次用完 Hermès 手袋之後,記得一定要把它放入防塵袋,最好將原有的紙團放置其中,可以減低變形和手袋發霉的機會。除此之外,放有手袋的防塵袋應該置於備有除濕劑的櫃內;如果長時間不用手袋的話,亦要隔一至兩個月取出作通風效果。

方法3: 不要將重物放入手袋

BERLIN, GERMANY - MARCH 22: Mandy Bork wearing green Zara top, Edited pants and pink Hermès Birkin bag on March 22, 2021 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images)

我們都知道買手袋有時候是為了實用,但是絕不建議將過量的東西或是如notebook的重物放進手袋內,因為它很有機會影響手袋原有的形狀,久而久之會出現提帶斷裂的問題。一般來說,手袋只能存有 60% 空間的物件,而且用完手袋回家後要把紙團放進袋內,這樣才能完美維持它的外型。


PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 06: Pornwika Spiecker wears a black stripe oversized blazer jacket from Mehtap Elaidi, a silk scarf top with printed colored cartoon from Hermes, a Hermes belt, a brown leather Hermes bag, blue/green pants from Lemaire, during an online remote fashion photo session via Apple iphone / Facetime and the CLOS app as the model is based in Amsterdam - Netherlands and the photographer in Paris - France, on March 06, 2021 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)


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