
Equatorial Guinean president's China visit to boost bilateral ties: FM spokesperson

發布於 05月23日11:02 • Shao Yibo

BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The upcoming visit of President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo to China will inject new impetus into the comprehensive and in-depth development of the friendly relations between China and Equatorial Guinea, foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Thursday.

At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Obiang will pay a state visit to China from May 26 to 31.


China and Equatorial Guinea share a deep and longstanding friendship, Wang told a daily press briefing. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations over half a century ago, the two sides have always treated each other with equality and mutual respect and supported each other.

In recent years, bilateral relations have maintained a high level of development, with deepening political mutual trust and steady progress in practical cooperation, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples, Wang said.

President Obiang is an old friend of the Chinese people, Wang said. During President Obiang's visit, President Xi will hold a welcoming ceremony and a welcoming banquet for him, and the two heads of state will hold talks and jointly attend a signing ceremony of cooperation documents, the spokesperson said.


Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Zhao Leji, chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, will meet with President Obiang respectively, Wang said. President Obiang will also visit China's Shandong Province.

It is believed that President Obiang's visit will inject new impetus into the comprehensive and in-depth development of the friendly relations between the two countries, and push for continuous achievements in bilateral cooperation in various fields, Wang said. ■