
Namibia concerned about surge in rhinoceros poaching

發布於 04月02日09:57 • KaulaNhongo

A rhino is pictured in the Etosha National Park in Namibia, Aug. 15, 2022. (Xinhua/Chen Cheng)

Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism on Monday expressed deep concern over the surge in poaching activities within its flagship Etosha National Park where 19 rhinoceros have been illegally killed so far since the start of 2024.


WINDHOEK, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism on Monday expressed deep concern over the surge in poaching activities within its flagship Etosha National Park where 19 rhinoceros have been illegally killed so far since the start of 2024.

Romeo Muyunda, the spokesperson for the ministry, said in a statement that besides the rhinoceros killed in the national park, five were poached on private farms, three on rhinoceros custodianship farms, and one in the Kunene region, bringing the total for the year to 28, including 19 black and 9 white rhinoceroses.


Photo taken on Sept. 7, 2019, shows rhinos in Okapuka Ranch, central Namibia. (Photo by Sun Yin/Xinhua)

"Poaching in Etosha is particularly concerning because this is our flagship park and has a high concentration of rhino conservation and other high-value species, making it a major tourist attraction," he said.

Muyunda said an assessment is being undertaken in Etosha to establish the full extent of the problem based on the current situation and urgency.


Furthermore, he said, an urgent high-level meeting by the ministry with the security clusters has been called to dissect the matter.

Muyunda said that no arrests have been made in the recent cases so far, adding that cases were opened and investigations continue. ■

留言 1
  • 🪶Gealbhan個老豆
    原來我嗰隻打靶反骨仔認咗KP做契哥,難怪日日叫春咁搵KP𢲷💩食啦,你哋睇,佢又改名做「Ede faecum KP🪶」喇,佢真係好想食KP嘅💩,KP你返來咯,返來餵💩畀我隻衰仔食咯,佢而家叫「Ede faecum KP🪶」,但唔知幾時又改名冒充人喇