




發布於 2019年05月18日10:00 • Kimmy

面對年歲增長,許多人都害怕,這位超辣法國銀髮模特兒卻無懼衰老,選擇用最自然質樸的原則展現美態。現年已經64歲的模特兒Yazemeenah Rossi,雖然沒有平滑凍齡肌膚,但依然容光煥發,法國女人獨有的自信氣質全顯在臉上,堅持不染的一頭銀髮也成為她的美麗標誌。究竟她在飲食、保養上有什麼秘訣?又和大家分享了哪些人生態度?

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So amazing to have Silver hair growing from my scalp! It fascinates me since the first ones that appears around 10 years old and still fascinates me more than 50 years after. By what miracle this is possible ? A lot of people ask me about how I transitioned… I never had to face this as I never dyed them . My mother was telling me to absolutely don’t pull them as for one pulled 10 will grow … so you can imagine what I did …I am at awe about the light since very young and for me these Silver white hair where like light coming from inside , precious like Silver … My hair has been my best asset, my passport, a subject to exchange with others , a protection as white hair in a lot of culture are assimilate to aging , wisdom and respect to elders… Dying them would take off so many beautiful things of my life. In this I am so grateful and would never wished something better for myself. My respect and appreciation for this Nature’s gift fulfill my Soul being aligned with the choice she made in choosing this body as it is as vehicle to live that specific human experience in this time and space dimension. Going with the flow not against the current brings happiness. 📷 by my dear friend @billheuberger

@yazemeenah 分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 9 日 10:08 下午 發佈

*白髮成美麗標誌 *


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@yazemeenah 分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 2月 月 8 日 2:57 上午 發佈



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Magic of Light … Here I am glowing in this beautiful light without any filter or retouching . It is always a question of angles and enlightenment… light dors the magic and when the Light inside is synchrone with the one outside it is what we get. No fillers or Botox or surgery …yet … Some years ago I said that I will not do anything until 60 …I am 63 and not ready to do anything … I love my skin, my body , I love their function of breathing and protecting my whole system as a big precious sim less bag, I love how perfect it is and it is very hard for me to think about cutting it … I believe it is working as a Whole system of exchanges created as it has been and any cut or alteration would disturb the flow of Life . A good skin reflects how you are kind with yourself first , how you breath, how you appreciate your body, how you let flow , how you don’t create toxins with negative repetitive thoughts or patterns of behaviors , how you embrace your shadow and are friend with it , how you simply are in love with being alive … And for sure what you eat is important and how you treat your skin too. But you have to know that normally the skin can produce her own oil from inside and protect the surface . The skin care industry makes us believe that we need this or that but it is more simple than that … Now some creams are very pleasant to wear and it is like treats that we offer to us , but we have to know how to don’t depend on these to feel good and happy. A very interesting thing I noticed … my aunt 97 was loosing her memory and been obliged to be in a retirement home as she could not live by herself anymore and the amazing thing , she even noticed herself is how her skin is beautiful, hydrated and glowing without any cream since months! It is because the skin has this ability in 3 month without products to produce its own protection. The other amazing think is that she recovers her memory and this is simply because she doesn’t have to worry anymore about the daily charges of her home and herself being taking care off and this also is for a big part of her glowing skin.

@yazemeenah 分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 7 日 7:27 下午 發佈

*愛用油類保養 *


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Beauty in a plate … Ingredients in #tags😋 Crepe recipe in my highlights 🤗

@yazemeenah 分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 12月 月 6 日 12:51 下午 發佈

*飲食回歸自然 *


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Photographed by my dear friend during our little aventures in the Poppies 🧡 Here I wear a vintage Silk biais dress by Maison Margiella, our Cashmere shawl Vine shade, a Zorro costume hat , Ebay, Vine Pucci mules found at Century 21 , sunglasses Gucci. 📷 @wendyboth

@yazemeenah 分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 5月 月 9 日 5:01 下午 發佈




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