


是男是女?謎樣「雌雄同體」模特兒 Rain Dove 打破你對性別的刻板印象!


更新於 2018年02月09日02:46 • 發布於 2018年02月09日09:26

照片中這一位鼻子高挺、臉部線條剛強的模特兒,肯定會讓你第一秒就浮起「好帥的男模!」念頭,不過下面的照片肯定又會讓你疑惑:「他居然有胸部?」讓你又聯想到他可能是跨性別模特兒,但這些全都不是正解,她是所謂的「雌雄同體」Androgynous Model,這位生理女性的模特兒 Rain Dove 並沒有進行過任何手術,她的外貌和身體完全是天賜的禮物。

Source-JUKSY text- Elva﹑heitung@central photo- Instagram、 Facebook edit-heitung@central

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「雌雄同體」model 爆紅!

大家可能對女model的一貫印象可能都是火辣的性感尤物,又或是氣質美女,再不是就會是近年新寵,長有一張「厭世面」酷勁十足的model。以下這位同時集剛陽又性感的modelRain Dove可以顛覆你對女model的一貫印象!

雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove

「Rain Dove」這個名字近期可說是十分火熱,其實她早在2015已經被注目,可能大家略有聽聞過,但未必很清楚。她出名於她的獨特性–「雌雄同體」。天生性別是女人,但樣子和身材都十分男性化,英氣十足。不知道的話還以為是誇性別人士,但一切都是渾然天成的。

雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove

Rain Dove身高有188cm。連很多男性也沒有達到這個高度,何況一般的外國女model的平均身高大約有178的水平。所以她的身高很自然的人們認為他是個男人。加上她的身形也像男性,偏橫的臂膀,有結實肌肉感的手臂,配上一頭清爽的短髮。就算穿起女裝,還是有很重的男性感。

雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove

▼穿上男裝的 Rain Dove,俊帥的程度令全球網友都相當吃驚。

雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove


Rain Dove 之所以踏入時裝界是一場意外,是她與朋友賭輸了一足球賽才做的大冒險,現在她同時為男裝和女裝走show,雖然她被歸類為雌雄同體模特兒新星,但她從來不這麼看自己:「我認為自己是醜女人。」

雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove
雌雄同體,模特兒,rain dove


Rain Dove的第一場走秀是為Calvin Klein的男裝內衣走的。連廠商也誤以為她是個男兒身,安排她走男裝秀。而她又願意將錯就錯去走了這場show。自此她發展了自己的model生涯。初期她只有做男裝的model。

WOMENS vs MENS Olympic Beach Volleyball. SAME SPORT. DIFFERENT "SEX" STANDARDS ————————————————– This is one of 5 images I'll be releasing over the weekend as the Olympics end. Because the aftermath will not just be an empty stadium, medal winners/losers, and endorsement deals gained. It will also be the statement that the Olympics made about the GLOBALLY accepted standards and values set for men and women through fashion and sport. Practical? Best designed for the sex? Or just sexploitation? Some things may surprise you! For instance as of 2012 beach volleyball "women" were allowed permission to wear many other types of attire aside from bikinis as long as it's approved. However this remains the most common attire type and most times the decision on what to wear is made by the team owner, committee, or sponsor with no input from the player. Some players say that they prefer this because bikinis do better in the sand. Some say they won't get endorsements and sponsorships otherwise. 👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩👙🎩 Kids will be going back to school knowing that these are the top athletes in the world. Knowing that this is how you have to dress to be a professional. And statistically 6/10 "women" will stop playing athletics they love in college and highschool because of "body image" or exposure. This Olympic year had more "women" playing than ever before… But as you watch my series post you will see. We still have a bit of a way to go before all bodies are treated equally. 📸 @markwijs #NOlympics #lovewins #genderfluid #genderreveal #lgbt #qpia #tomboy #beachvolleyball #tomgirl #inmyskiniwin #frolicfrolicfrolic

A post shared by Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) on Aug 19, 2016 at 9:40am PDT

Rain Dove 因為外表實在太像男人而漸漸走紅,身高達到 188 公分的 Rain Dove 不只真名讓你看不出性別,不論是她的五官和體型都讓一般人完全沒有辦法在第一秒辨別出她的真實性別,她在生活中總是被誤認為男性。



"MEN" vs "WOMEN" TENNIS #Olympic Attire. A lot of times you will see "women" wearing skirts. Unless at a private club tournament there are actually no official rules forcing "women" to wear only skirts on the court despite popular belief. Many "women" players wear skirts due to "comfort, agility, and respect of tradition". "Men" typically wear loose fitted shorts and a tshirt- also not mandatory. However in "WOMENS" tennis statistically their appearance and fashion choices will be commented on 60-65 times more often then "men". This prompts many sponsors to prefer to partner with or create endorsement deals with "women" players who fall within traditional and publicly approved standards. Which in turn is extra encouragement for "women" players to shy away from shorts and tshirts. Although there are some champs who wear what feels right for the day they are competing- and their so talented they get sponsors despite fashion critique. 🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟 This is photo 4/5 featuring Olympic sports attire compared between the sexes. If people are playing the same sports, then why are outfits often SO different? Is it practicality? Specific and intentional sports design? Or just Sexploitation? We are taking a look at five sports and attempting to open a dialogue to figure it out. Because we are the better NOW. @markwijs 📸📸 #goldmedaldigger #tennisthemenace #tennis #tennisskirt #lgbt #qpia #gender #genderequality #lovewins #wimbledon #letstalkaboutsexbabyANDhowitstreateddifferently

A post shared by Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) on Aug 21, 2016 at 2:14pm PDT

Rain Dove 可能是目前最帥氣的女模,同時是最性感的男模!

This is ladylike. photo by @petefhopkins #hm #calvinklein #androgyny #genderbender #man #sexy #model #fashion #jamesbond


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