


新聞處向公營機構發電郵:維護特首尊嚴至關重要 支持警隊執法

Stand News 立場新聞

更新於 2019年06月26日16:36 • 發布於 2019年06月26日12:14



有任職於處理國際商貿的公營機構的消息認人士向《立場》提供內部電郵,顯示新聞處副處長斐博歷(Brett Free)昨日傍晚向公營機構發電郵,回應近日示威者針對政府的「野貓式」抗議行動。斐博歷指,政府希望各大機構在會見海外人士或日常工作中,就修例爭議提供「逼切需要的觀點(much needed perspective)」,協助政府維持香港平靜及理性氣氛。

新聞處今日傍晚發出英文電郵,分別以「法治不容妥協(Rule of Law cannot be compromised)」、「支持特首(Support for the Chief Executive)」、「支持警隊(Support for the Police)」、「重振香港(Relaunching Hong Kong)」及其他事項等 5 小題,闡述政府期望公營機構協助宣傳的訊息。


電郵內容指,行政長官林鄭月娥已真誠為處理逃犯條例修訂失當致歉,並決心改善與各界溝通,繼續全心服務公眾,指維護行政長官作為特區首長的尊嚴(safeguard the dignity of the Chief Executive as the head of the HKSAR),是目前至為重要的工作,否則政府施政效率會受到嚴重影響。


指政府「中立、公平、公允」處理 612 強調不接受違反法治的要求

電郵又指,政府有責任維護本港法治,針對612 發生的「非法暴力行為」,政府會以中立、公平及公允的態度處理,強調任何要特首「違反或破壞法治」的要求都是「不能接受」。新聞處強調,歡迎各界特別加強此重要信息。


消息人士質疑對外「扮死狗」 背後向公營機構施壓


斐博歷:旨在闡述政府立場   沒要求相關機構同意

斐博歷回覆《立場》查詢時指出,政府新聞處經常與對外宣傳香港的機構保持溝通, 並和他們分享資訊和解釋香港在政策和議題上的情況,所述電郵與以往發出的電郵性質一樣,旨在向他們闡述政府立場。斐博歷稱,沒有要求有關機構推廣或同意電郵的內容,「該電郵只是我們和持份者的定期溝通。」



Subject: Key messages on FOO latest

Dear Friends

As you can see from the media, the protests against the government and the wildcat actions by protesters continues.

If you are meeting contacts from outside Hong Kong, or in the normal course of your work, we would welcome your support in trying to help maintain a calm and reasonable atmosphere in Hong Kong and provide some much-needed perspective. As we have always said, people are free to express their views in a peaceful manner in accordance with the law (as they often do) but we cannot support in any way protests that are violent, involve vandalism or destruction of property, or which disrupt the normal functioning of public services and Government work.

You may find the following points below of some use. Please feel free to share any insight or comments you may have, or have heard.

Best regards,

2842 8726

Rule of Law cannot be compromised 
Any requests that require the Chief Executive to make a decision that violates or undermines the rule of law is unacceptable. The HKSAR Government has the responsibility to safeguard the rule of law, and to deal with the unlawful and violent acts during the 12 June incident in an impartial, fair and just manner. We welcome different sectors to reinforce this important message. 

Support for the Chief Executive 
The Chief Executive has sincerely apologised for the mishandling of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (FOO) legislative exercise. She has expressed her determination to improve communication with different sectors of the community and to continue to serve the public wholeheartedly. At this point, it is important to safeguard the dignity of the Chief Executive as the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), lest effective governance of the HKSAR will be seriously undermined.

Support for the Police 
The Hong Kong Police Force is an outstanding and professional force. It plays a vital role in maintaining law and order and sustaining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong as one of the world's safest large cities. When the dignity of the Hong Kong Police Force is trampled and its authority challenged (e.g. the blockade and vandalism of Police HQ on 21 June), we condemn such acts and strongly support the Police to continue acting accordance with the law, maintaining law and order and protecting life and property in Hong Kong.

Relaunching Hong Kong 
The huge media coverage arising from the FOO exercise has no doubt affected the international reputation and image of Hong Kong. The HKSAR Government will work hard to rebuild the trust and confidence of the international community in Hong Kong at the appropriate time and work closely with different sectors to relaunch Hong Kong.

A few other points worth mentioning:
- Hong Kong continues to operate smoothly in terms of business, finance, stock market, trade, investment flows, port, airport etc. This underscore the resilience and strength or our institutional hardware and software. Hong Kong works!
- The legal system at all levels continues to operate openly and transparently. It remains a bedrock of Hong Kong's security as a society and market.
- The events of the past few weeks have shown that the freedom of expression, of association and of the press - as guaranteed in the Basic Law - are alive and well. Even if we do not agree with each other, we respect and support these fundamental rights under the Basic Law as a prime example of "One Country, Two Systems" at work and as essential elements . However, as mentioned above we do not support violence, vandalism, obstruction of civil servants or disruption of public services.



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