


拒絕啤酒肚!飲酒也有小撇步 教你三招飲酒不易發胖~


更新於 2019年09月20日07:20 • 發布於 2019年09月20日07:20 • Yung

平時收工最鐘意就係約埋班同事、朋友去happy hour,小酒怡情飲返幾杯!但其實一大杯酒精含量 13% 既紅酒,已經有 228 卡路里,等同一件冬甩或者一包 M&M 朱古力;而一大杯啤酒就有 250 卡路里,就等於一塊薄餅。一晚同朋友傾下計,飲下飲下唔覺又幾杯落肚,慢慢就養起左個啤酒肚。到底點飲酒先可以多飲又無咁易肥呢?

pinterest: @katiedewsbury ♡
pinterest: @katiedewsbury ♡



Cheers to all our darlings on this New Years Eve! It has been a year filled with incredible highs and lows I think we can all agree. Our wish for you is for a 2019 filled with equal parts of adventure contentment and love. Thank you all for a beautiful year. We cant wait to see what comes next!#weloveyou #happynewyear2019 #cheersdarling
Cheers to all our darlings on this New Years Eve! It has been a year filled with incredible highs and lows I think we can all agree. Our wish for you is for a 2019 filled with equal parts of adventure contentment and love. Thank you all for a beautiful year. We cant wait to see what comes next!#weloveyou #happynewyear2019 #cheersdarling






Manchmal ist ein Lächeln das beste Geschenk, das man haben kann.   - P@®t¥ - #beste #das #Ein #Geschenk #haben #ist #kann #Lächeln #man #Manchmal
Manchmal ist ein Lächeln das beste Geschenk, das man haben kann. - P@®t¥ - #beste #das #Ein #Geschenk #haben #ist #kann #Lächeln #man #Manchmal


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