


亞洲最佳咖啡店排行榜 香港有5間入選你去過未?


發布於 2019年09月11日13:11 • 沙拉

國際旅遊網站Big 7 Travel日前公布了亞洲最佳50大咖啡店排行榜,當中入選最多的國家是日本,共6間,而香港亦與咖啡朝聖地韓國並列第二位,各有5間上榜,其中一間上榜的香港咖啡店,更是早前全球50大咖啡店中榜上有名。這5間衝出香港的咖啡店,你全部去過了嗎?

Accro Coffee(第45位)

網站團隊在篩選過程中主要是根據來自世界各地的讀者意見而得出這個排名,結果可以說是很有代表性,在50間亞洲最佳咖啡店中,香港的Accro Coffee排第45位。

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Yo Check this out XDDDD Accro is Here! Coffee with me! 歡迎繼續接落去~ #accrocoffee #coffeelover #hongkongcafe #hkcoffeeshop #yuenlong #longping #drinking #coffee #espresso #latteart #brewing #siphoncoffee #handdripcoffee #lamarzocco #咖啡 #championcoffee

Accro Coffee(@accrocoffee)分享的帖子 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 20 日 12:22 上午 發佈

Accro Coffee可以說是高手雲集的地方,裡面有多位世界冠軍級的咖啡師,曾勝出世界虹吸咖啡師大賽及咖啡沖煮大賽,能在一個店裡品嚐多位高手的手藝,實在是機會難得!

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日日都賣咁多虹吸咖啡@@ 多謝大家厚愛(=゚ω゚)ノ #accrocoffee #coffee #lifestyle #experience #holiday #coffeelover #hongkongcafe #hkcoffeeshop #yuenlong #longping #drinking #coffee #blackcoffee #latteart #latteart #brewing #siphoncoffee #咖啡 #championcoffee #specialtycoffee #2017Siphonistchampion #2018Siphonistchampion #champion #siphoncoffee #2018hklac #2018latteartcompetition #2018hkcigs #2018coffeeingoodspirit #roastingcoffee #preorder

Accro Coffee(@accrocoffee)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 11:49 下午 發佈

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來到年初八,要介紹Accro的老闆兼靈魂,就是這個成日講退休,但退而不休的超級打雜!💀💀 👏🏻 《Accro Team》 . 名字:Tsuyoshi Mok 職位:全能打雜,老闆 咖啡年資:8年 專長:食、玩、訓 興趣:虐待自己及同事😈 . 個人名譽🏆 2011 世界虹吸式咖啡大賽 (香港地區) 亞軍 2015 世界咖啡沖煮大賽 (香港地區) 亞軍 2016 雲南杯沖煮大賽(粵港澳地區) 亞軍 2016 世界咖啡沖煮大賽 (香港地區) 冠軍 2016 Coffee Power Rangers Championship 冠軍 2017 世界咖啡沖煮大賽 (香港地區) 季軍 . 評審✍🏻 2013 世界虹吸式咖啡大賽 (香港地區) 技術評審 2013 Coffee Olympics 評審 2014 Coffee Olympics X TNT 評審 2014 世界虹吸式咖啡大賽 (香港地區) 主評審 2014-2016 世界虹吸式咖啡大賽 國際評審 2018-2020 世界虹吸式咖啡大賽 國際評審 2018 世界沖煮咖啡大賽 (香港地區) 主評審 . 資歷📚 SCA Brewing - Professional SCA Barista Skills - Professional SCA Sensory Skills - Intermediate 香港咖啡行業協會(虹吸式咖啡大賽) - 顧問 香港工聯會ERB 導師 . #accrocoffee #coffee #lifestyle #experience #holiday #coffeelover #hongkongcafe #hkcoffeeshop #yuenlong #longping #drinking #coffee #blackcoffee #latteart #latteart #brewing #handdrip #homebarista #siphoncoffee #咖啡 #championcoffee #specialtycoffee #2018hklatteartchampion #2018Siphonistchampion #2018hkcoffeeingoodspiritchampion #2018hkbrewerscup2ndrunnerup #bossroast #specialtycoffee #singleorigincoffee #happypigyear #2019chinesenewyear

Accro Coffee(@accrocoffee)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 2月 月 12 日 7:56 上午 發佈


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聖誕特別版,綠茶紅豆芝士餅同聖誕小雞🐥 Accro正在營業!同你地一齊過聖誕!~\(≧▽≦)/~ #accrocoffee #coffeelover #hongkongcafe #hkcoffeeshop #yuenlong #longping #drinking #coffee #espresso #latteart #brewing #siphoncoffee #handdripcoffee #lamarzocco #咖啡 #championcoffee #chrismascoffee #christmas

Accro Coffee(@accrocoffee)分享的帖子 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 23 日 10:24 下午 發佈

*Accro Coffee *



Winstons Coffee(第39位)

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香港 我愛你 * #iloveyou #hongkongforever #hkforever #hongkongilloveyou #hkiloveyou #discoverhk #coffeeisthenewblack #streetscene #hkcafe #hkstreet #hongkong #hongkonglife #homekong #hkbar #cafedesign #coffeeshopvibes #hkcoffeeshop #hongkong #ktown #kennedytown #winstonscoffee * Photo Credit: @tammythesquarebear

WINSTONS COFFEE(@winstonscoffee)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 9 日 7:40 上午 發佈

Winstons Coffee由三位英國人創立,當初他們找不到一間符合他們要求的咖啡店,決定自己開店賣咖啡。

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Weekends. * #booklover #coffeelover #bookporn #coffeeporn #bookstagram #coffeegram #hkfoodie #hkcoffee #hkbarista #winstonscoffee #saiyingpun #kennedytown #hongkong #coffeeisthenewblack #flatwhite #latteart #biscotti #홍콩 #홍콩여행 #홍콩카페 #윈스톤커피 #coffeeshop #coffeeshopvibes * 📸: @agirl2008

WINSTONS COFFEE(@winstonscoffee)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 12 日 8:24 下午 發佈

咖啡店主打澳洲風味的咖啡,店舖面積不大,但黑白型格的設計吸引不少人前來喝咖啡打打卡。他們定期會研發新飲品,而Cold Brew是夏天推介。

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According to our weather app, it's currently 33°C, feels like 39°C, with a humidity level of 80%. Standard Hong Kong Summer then. * #coldbrewcoffee #coldbrewhk #hkcafe #coffeeshopvibes #hkbarista #hotsummer #icecoldbrew #winstonscoffee #saiyingpun #kennedytown #hongkong#coffeeisthenewblack #manmakecoffee #baristadaily #coffeesesh * Photo Credit@edwardtanujayaa⠀⠀ 

WINSTONS COFFEE(@winstonscoffee)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 26 日 11:18 下午 發佈

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Introducing… The #GINGERSWIZZLE (we’re not sure about the name either!) * #lahechicerarum #kammandsons #limejuice #gingersyrup #mintgarnish * #cocktail #hkbartender #bartender #lahechicera #craftedcocktail #handcrafted #hkbar #hkcocktail #hklifestyle #hongkongbartender #cocktails #winstonscoffee #saiyingpun #hongkong #coffeeisthenewblack

WINSTONS COFFEE(@winstonscoffee)分享的帖子 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 23 日 2:57 上午 發佈

這間咖啡店的另一賣點是有咖啡又有酒,包括特調的Mr.Black及自家研製的Espresso Martinis,適合客人周末來chill一下。

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_ HK$50 ESPRESSO MARTINIS *************************** SATURDAY 6TH JULY 2019 *************************** 9AM-CLOSE *************************** #firstsaturdays #everymonth #46andmercy #mrblackspirits #hotboxldn #cocktails #shoreditch #streetart #lcf16 #hkbartender #hkbarista #hkcocktails #cocktails #espressomartini #martiniglass #winstonscoffee #saiyingpun #kennedytown #hongkong #coffeeisthenewblack *************************** Original Post: @46andmercy

WINSTONS COFFEE(@winstonscoffee)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 5 日 8:11 上午 發佈

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4 days to go until #espressomartinifest hits Winstons and hits #hongkong !!! * We'll be using the finest ingredients to serve you up yummy #espressomartinis all weekend. Featuring: #mrblackspirits #blackcowvodka #allpressespresso * We kick off at 9am this Saturday and will be serving up this deliciousness all the way through to 11pm Sunday…. for only HK$50 each!!! * #seeyouthere #espressomartinifesthk #hkbartender #hkcocktails #itstheweekend #martinis #coupeglass #cocktailkingdom #winstonscoffee #coffeeisthenewblack #saiyingpun #hongkong

WINSTONS COFFEE(@winstonscoffee)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2017 年 5月 月 15 日 7:03 下午 發佈

*Winstons Coffee *



*Knockbox Coffee Company (第34位) *

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明天是我們Knockbox Coffee Company六週年了!為感謝各位對我們多年來的支持,8月8號當天手沖咖啡將買一送一! We're turning 6 tomorrow (8/8)! To express our gratitude to your support, come and enjoy our buy-one-get-one-free hand drip coffee tomorrow (8/8)!

Knockbox Coffee Company(@knockbox)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2017 年 8月 月 7 日 3:04 上午 發佈

 Knockbox Coffee Company從上環搬到旺角後,隨即成為熱門打卡店,店內位置不多,就算是平日也有很多人會來喝咖啡。

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02-08-2019 Friday Premiere. For tomorrow's Premiere, we have prepared a whole list of beans from Ethiopia, Central & South America for all of you to enjoy! For $80 you can enjoy unlimited hand drip coffee brew by our team !! Start at 7:00 pm as usual, everyone is welcomed. 明天的Premiere,我們準備了來自世界各地的咖啡豆供各位品嚐! 每位$80就可參加我們星期五的Coffee Premiere吧,任飲當晚手沖咖啡! 晚上7:00開始, 歡迎各界人士! . . . #knockboxcoffee #knockboxcoffee#coffeepremiere #fridaypremiere #tgif #microcoffeeroaster #knockboxo #knockboxcoffee #roaster #guestbeans #v60 #handdrip #projectorigin

Knockbox Coffee Company(@knockbox)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 1 日 5:06 上午 發佈


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14-6-2018 Friday Premiere. We have prepared guest beans from Taiwan for this Friday Premiere. Including a natural processed 1931 Gesha roasted by @kopi_ibrik and a double anaerobic Colombian coffee roasted by @single_origin_espresso_roast . How can you miss them! Reward yourself after a week of hard work by joining our Friday Premiere event! Start at 7:00 pm as usual, everyone is welcomed. 這星期的Friday Premiere我們準備了台灣烘焙的精品咖啡供大家品嚐。當中包括由 @kopi_ibrik 烘焙的日曬1931 Gesha及由 @single_origin_espresso_roast 烘焙的雙重厭氧發酵處理法的哥倫比亞咖啡。怎能錯過品嚐到這麼精彩咖啡的機會! 每位$80就可參加我們星期五的Coffee Premiere,任飲當晚手沖咖啡! 晚上7:00開始, 歡迎各界人士! . . . #knockboxcoffee #Fridaypremiere

Knockbox Coffee Company(@knockbox)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 13 日 7:51 上午 發佈

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It’s never too late for Latte ! . . . #knockboxcoffee #latte

Knockbox Coffee Company(@knockbox)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 20 日 2:15 上午 發佈


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What else could be better to start your hot summer weekend? Maybe a plate of waffle and a bottle of cold brew Geisha?☀️☀️☀️

Knockbox Coffee Company(@knockbox)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 21 日 8:25 下午 發佈


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Welcoming Christmas is not complete without our seasonal blends! Introducing the two exclusive blends we delicately created: Rudolph Blend and The Gingerman Blend. While the brightly fruity taste is represented as the characteristics of cheerful Rudolph, you can find all the typical Christmassy tastes you want in Gingerman. Come get the beautifully packed Xmas blends while stock lasts! 我們為大家精心設計及準備了兩款聖誕拼配,分別是Rudolph blend及the Gingerman blend!開朗活潑的Rudolph配上充滿節日氣息的Gingerman,是你慶祝聖誕節的不二之選! #knockboxcoffee #coffee #handdrip

Knockbox Coffee Company(@knockbox)分享的帖子 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 21 日 4:07 上午 發佈

*Knockbox Coffee Company *

*地址:旺角黑布街21號(旺角站E2出口,步行約6分鐘) *


18 Grams(第27位)

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於大年初一、二、三,我們的銅鑼灣及上環分店會休息,但全線City Super內的分店,都會營業至晚上十點半!在這祝大家啡運亨通🧧🥰! . . . #18grams #coffee #coffeeshop #cafe #specialtycoffee #cappuccino #latte #latteart #hongkong #foodie #foodporn #lunch #chill #latteart #barista #comfortdrinks #latte #hkcoffeeshop #hongkongcafe #hongkongbased

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 2月 月 5 日 9:59 上午 發佈

從一間角落咖啡小店擴展到8間分店,18 Grams由世界級咖啡師領航,把澳洲精品咖啡文化宣揚開去,店舖的名字,原來是因為Double Espresso需要的咖啡份量是18克。

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Last call for the seasonal blend at our Citysuper Tsim Sha Tsui outlet & Sheung Wan Shop: a combination of El Salvador and Ethiopia Shakiso! You will love its almond chocolate flavour! Don’t miss the chance!🥰 . . . #18grams #coffeebeans #hongkongroaster #espresso #latte #seasonalblend #coffee #latteart #cafe #hkcoffeeshop #coffeeshop #tsimshatsui #sheungwan

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 12月 月 15 日 9:32 下午 發佈

來到這裡一定要點有奶的咖啡,特別是Flat white及Cappuccino(看漂亮的拉花)。

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☕️ . 18g的幸福🥰星期一,怎麼能少了咖啡!我們還有一系列的輕食供應啊~ . Come and get your monday essential at 18 Grams now❤️We also have a range of brunch options😉 . | Shop 104, 1/F, Brim 28, 28 Harbour Road, Wan Chai . . . #18grams #specialtycoffee #specialtycoffeeroaster #roaster #hongkongcoffeeshop #hkcafe #hongkongroaster #local #hongkong #cafe #newshop #softopening

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 2 日 9:56 下午 發佈

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你喜歡咖啡跟奶混合而成的味道,但又對牛奶敏感嗎?喝以植物奶沖泡的咖啡就好了!我們特地選用了 @rudehealth 的植物奶,好喝又健康🥰沒有嘗過的趕快試一下! . Love milk coffee a lot but got dairy allergies?🤔 No worries!!! We got the plant milks from Rude Health @rudehealth as an alternative for you! There milk got nothing artificial but still taste really good🤩🤩🤩!Just come and try it out❤️☕️

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 3月 月 28 日 1:34 上午 發佈

Cold Brew的選擇也有很多,連冷泡茶也有!加上銅鑼灣本店的座位大約只有10個,很適合文青們帶著書來過一個悠閒的下午。

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🖤 — Let our ice drip coffee cool you down and make you calm. . 我們大賣的Ice Drip所剩無幾了!在它還沒被搶光之前來喝吧🥰~ — #18grams #specialtycoffee #specialtycoffeeroaster #roaster #hongkongcoffeeshop #hkcafe #hongkongroaster #local #hongkong #homekong #latte #cappuccino #barista #summer #icedbeverage #icedrip #icedripcoffee #madeinhongkong

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 25 日 12:42 上午 發佈

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🍃💦 — Cold Brew Tea in the house!🥰 We now got “Goji & Chrysanthemum” & “Cloud & Mist” for you to choose🧡 Come try and give us some comments!😋 . 我們的冷泡茶也上線了☺️!分別有菊花杞子跟雲霧綠茶兩種選擇🥳趕快來灣仔Brim28店搶先試試吧!😍 . . #18grams #specialtycoffee #specialtycoffeeroaster #roaster #hongkongcoffeeshop #hkcafe #hongkongroaster #local #hongkong #homekong #latte #cappuccino #barista #summer #icedbeverage #coldbrew #coldbrewtea #icedtea #summer

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 17 日 10:59 下午 發佈


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Ho Ho Ho!!!🎄18 Grams Christmas Blend is now available!!!🎅🏻 . The Christmas Blend is made up of three coffee: Ethiopia Shakiso, Panama Fruit Bomb and Indonesia Sumatra. . Flavour: floral , tropical fruit , berry , sweet chocolate . Price: $180 for 200g ;$450 for 1kg . Wishing you all a lovely christmas with our harmonious blend!🤤❤️ . . #18grams #coffee #coffeeshop #cafe #christmas #blend #coffeeholic #coffeebeans #hongkongroaster #hongkong #specialtycofffee

18grams Speciality cafe(@18grams)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 12月 月 10 日 11:10 下午 發佈

*18 Grams *

*地址:銅鑼灣景隆街15號海都大廈地下C舖(銅鑼灣站D4出口,步行約3分鐘) *


NOC Roastery(第20位)

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Hello, Sai Ying Pun! Home to our Flagship Store - a Roastery co-located with a Café where customers could watch our roastery team work wonders with the @giesencoffeeroasters while they enjoy their coffee! #noccoffeeco #nocroasterystore

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 12 日 8:41 下午 發佈

NOC Roastery在香港有多間分店,全部都是走型格路線,而且每一間店的設計都不一樣,單是裝潢已經值得把你留住。

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"At its core, minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it." - Joshua Becker NOC Mercury will be opening at 11am on Friday, 7th June. Come celebrate with us - the first 50 customers will get a coffee of their choice on the house and a limited edition pin to commemorate the occasion. G/F, 23 Mercury Street, Tin Hau Regular Opening Hours: 8am - 6pm #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 4 日 9:10 下午 發佈


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We explored over ten different types of beans from South/Central America and Africa. Our co-Founder and Head Roaster, Sam, has spent countless hours trying different blends, varied resting periods, and countless storage methods. The result is what we believe to be the most curated bag of beans in our vicinity. Here our some of our secrets: • Remove defective beans. A painstaking task but one that makes our coffee taste smooth and pure • Roast and store onsite. Why would you trust anyone else with your most important asset? • Beans are rested for 7-10 days after roasting. Degassing for this amount of time ensures optimal flavour for the beans we selected. • We recommend customers use their ground beans within one to two weeks to ensure the best flavour is maintained. - #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 4 日 4:31 上午 發佈

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Variables like the weight of the ground coffee, speed of the pour, temperature of the water, makes it a challenge to brew the same tasting cup each and every time. But that’s what makes it a special art, and achieving consistency is bliss. - #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 14 日 3:38 上午 發佈

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For those of you who already feel like having an iced coffee, pop in and let us help you stay cool. #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 3月 月 27 日 9:11 下午 發佈


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Happy Valentine’s Day! We will be pouring hearts, roses and bouquets for you and your significant other all day today. 🌹 #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 2月 月 13 日 7:57 下午 發佈

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Pouring cups of caffeinated goodness to help you get through the week. - #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 11月 月 13 日 4:58 上午 發佈


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Need a Meatless Monday lunch idea? Drop by the Roastery, Gough, Graham or Mercury store to grab the perennial favourite at NOC. 🥑 #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 9月 月 1 日 8:45 下午 發佈

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Start your Sunday right with a brunch that is great for your taste buds, great for your health and great for pairing with your coffee. Explore our newly curated summer menu for wholesome dishes that can help you keep cool - link in bio. #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 17 日 9:14 下午 發佈

NOC Roastery也有自家烘培的咖啡豆,品種繁多,每次經過咖啡店都會聞到濃濃的咖啡香!

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I was born ready. Willkommen in meiner welt. - #noccoffeeco #nocroasterystore #giesencoffeeroasters

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2018 年 3月 月 18 日 10:49 下午 發佈

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Timuza A/X Organic is the newest addition to our single origin offerings this year. Grown, harvested and fully-washed by the Timuza Coffee Cooperative in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, the coffee has delicate tasting notes of peach and tangerine, with an overall balance and clear mouthfeel. Enjoy a crisp, juicy cup of pourover in-store, or pick up a bag of beans for your home. #noccoffeeco

NOC COFFEE CO.(@noccoffeeco)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 31 日 7:52 下午 發佈

NOC Roastery(NOC Coffee Co.)

地址:西環德輔道西321號瑧璈地下4號舖 營業時間:上午8時至晚上6時(西營盤站B3出口,步行約5分鐘)


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