


關淑怡IG深夜突發出文 宣佈退出娛樂圈

娛樂 on LINE

發布於 2020年04月05日05:35 • Tony
關淑怡IG深夜突發出文 宣佈退出娛樂圈



她說多謝fans們的支持,她已經履行了和唱片公司的合約,不過今次自己卻看到最醜陋的一面。其實早於上月尾,她已經出過文:「再見!我不會相信唱片公司了。包庇自己人!同歌手講粗口。做事草率,不負責任!老細食言!了結自己,一了百了!Anthony……快樂到死,或許是我們最後的合作了。cheers.」文中的Anthony應該就是黃耀明。 而最新一個post,則影著書本《在世界的盡頭找到我》留言:「在世界各地的盡頭找到我。。地盡量頭再嚟見!SK」


「Thank you for all my fans n audience that have always been there for me n supports me. U dear. Some serious considerations. I decided to quit my career. I will not take blames or ruin my names n trigger my EQ.. sice, I sing to my audience n full fill my company contract. I did my job n my career is not just lucky, I had been respect n seriously taken my singing career n keep improving myself. Thank you everybody. I’m very disappointed. I saw the ugliest part of it. N I do deserve the least respect n dignity. That’s a birth right!」

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Thank you for all my fans n audience that have always been there for me n supports me. U dear. Some serious considerations. I decided to quit my career. I will not take blames or ruin my names n trigger my EQ.. sice, I sing to my audience n full fill my company contract. I did my job n my career is not just lucky, I had been respect n seriously taken my singing career n keep improving myself. Thank you everybody. I’m very disappointed. I saw the ugliest part of it. N I do deserve the least respect n dignity. That’s a birth right!

A post shared by Shirleyzukie _official (@shirleyzukie) on Apr 4, 2020 at 12:43pm PDT

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