


金燕玲星級教學:皮爽肉嫩海南雞飯配秘製醬料 Hainanese Chicken Rice with tender meat served with special sauces

教煮蘇 This is So good

更新於 2020年04月08日04:41 • 發布於 2020年04月08日04:40 • 教煮蘇 This is So good

#二人前系列 #DinnerforTwoseries  大家有口福啦. 今餐阿蘇交比海南雞飯專家銀毛玲,由整雞到油飯,甚至醬汁都一手包辦,銀毛玲話係由一位海南島文昌縣朋友教的, 好食到無得彈, 包保你添飯! Special treat for all! Ah So turns this episode over to Elaine, the specialist of Hainanese Chicken Rice, who shows you step by step from cooking chicken to rice to sauces. The recipe is from her friend from Wencheng city of Hainan Province. Super delicious, guarantee you will ask for more rice! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ah_so_good/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoGoodAhSo

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