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發布於 2020年04月09日07:58 • 機

英國哈利王子和妻子梅根早前卸下皇室高級成員身份,近日外國八卦雜誌《Woman's Day》就以「離婚文件外洩」為標題,指梅根利用哈里提高知名度,時機成熟就會聘請律師打離婚官司。


據八卦雜誌《Woman's Day》引述所謂「知情人士」的說法,梅根一直利用哈利提升自己的知名度,又想帶王子回荷里活炫耀,加上在美國她可以自由選擇工作和社交圈,因此她一直想在美國享受自由自在的名人生活。報導還指梅根已經偷偷拜訪了「荷里活重量級律師」,準備和哈利提出離婚訴訟。

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Earlier this week The Duchess of Sussex, in her role as Patron of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), met with the bright minds from across the Commonwealth to hear about their commitment to tackling the global challenges we all face. The Duchess spoke with Scholars studying and researching important areas surrounding; cleaning up plastic pollution in our oceans, helping to build more sustainable cities, improving health outcomes for citizens, and supporting decent work and economic growth. Paving the way as the next generation of leaders, these inspirational scholars, are spread far across the Commonwealth from Malawi to Malaysia, Ghana to Sri Lanka – all of whom will use the skills and knowledge they gain while studying in the UK to make a difference when they return to their home countries. The Duchess, who also attended university with support of a scholarship, is a strong advocate of accessible education for all. As the Royal Patron of The Association of Commonwealth Universities (@The_ACU_Official) since January 2019, The Duchess has met and engaged with students, academics, and staff from ACU member universities across the Commonwealth to learn more about the vital work they do to address global challenges. As President and Vice President of The @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, The Duke and Duchess thank all those who are working to give access to education for all.

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 11, 2020 at 3:33pm PDT

不過這篇報導受到外界質疑,專門闢謠八卦報導的網站《Gossip Cop》特別發文對雜誌內容提出質疑,表示提到的「離婚文件」中,僅有文章報導卻無任何照片,認為只憑「知情人士」爆料的消息不足令人相信,認為《Woman's Day》只是想抹黑梅根,並指出雜誌竟發表如此類似造謠的報導,應該要覺得可恥。

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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! Wishing all of our Welsh followers a Happy St Davids Day. Image © Empics / PA

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 1, 2020 at 4:14am PST


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