


全港最好味的蘿蔔糕🏆 The best turnip cake in Hong Kong! Ah So and sister share their secret recipe🏆

教煮蘇 This is So good

更新於 2020年01月23日09:43 • 發布於 2020年01月23日09:42 • 教煮蘇 This is So good

全港最好味的蘿蔔糕🏆 阿蘇的「蘿蔔糕家姐」將祕方公開 一個足料八吋嘅蘿蔔糕應該係大概1600克(兩斤半) 而家市面的蘿蔔糕大概由600克至1000克😰 所以只有「蘿蔔糕家姐」自家製的蘿蔔糕最靠得住,你都試吓學點整一個全港最好食嘅蘿蔔糕啦 The 8-inch Chinese turnip cakes we can get from shops are normally 600g - 1000g, but the one Ah So and her sister make in the video weighs 1600g! You should follow the steps in this video, Ah So and sister will guide you to make the best Chinese turnip cake. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ah_so_good/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoGoodAhSo

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